Mostly my posts are nothing but flow of my emotions.. I write wenevr I m sufferin thru a sudden Emosional Attack.. My last post is also like that..
Emotions start flowing under da influence of Music, Movie or a Call and All of the mentioned things take place When I m under influence of Somrthing else( No need to Mention )
Tomorow ther r chances tht Ke we might party at my place.. So rt nw only M warning all the few sufferers who read my blog that a New post is goin to come soon.. So Beware..
Neways I sometimes regret that whtevr I wrote at tht time might not be the right thing.. For ex. I thought once, of deleting my last post.. but den I didnt, coz its my blog ( N very few read it) So no tension rt nw..
Things that make me happy...(9/365)
12 years ago
abe kya ho gaya...kuch likha nahin toh ho gayi teri...
aur ye post daaru pike hi likha...aisa lag raha hain... lol
Dude...whats keeping you busy???
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