About Me
- "Vedrahool"
- I m jst a simple guy who likes to live every moment of life like a man.. I believe that though there cant be happiness arnd u all the time.. or u cant be happy all the time bt da life still can be beautiful all the time ...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Time goes on...
So here M again scriblin something about me and myself who else??( Kahi to bhi suna hua hai )
Wil start from Diwali Holidays.. Diwali was nothing but Aaram, movies, hogging and sleeping.. but thts what we are supposd to do in holidays.. So watched 9 movies in three days and the best thing about hollywood movies is that maximum 2hrs.. bass in that much time only they make u realise how superior they are in film makin.. wont write the reviews of movies...
After comin back to nagpur on very next day of Laxmipujan( as mom n dad wer leavin for Andaman trip from nagpur..) dropped mom n dad and mamas n mamis to the station and after that I was a free soul.. First Yogi n Arpit and then Mandar left for their places.. B4 leavin Me, Maddy, Manya and Rohan(we met him at the airprt surprisingly or better to say accidently)had a dinner at Bablu's Dhaba.. all good and bad old things wer dug out and again burried ther only.. We often discuss Useless and fruitless topics.. but thats what the fun is..
Den wen Manya left(had gone to drop him at the station) I knew for next few months m gonna be alone in Nagpur.. wish they all cud hav stayd for little more while.. but.. dis 'but' at the end of every wish, imagination and dream kills them..
So the daily routine began.. and still goin on will go on..
Guys naya flat dhunda hai.. its near to the old one .. hav not yet shifted but will go der from 1st
Dis comin week m lil busy.. Goin to Chandigarh for conference.. wil enjoy a lot der.. means atlest will try coz our guides are also goin to be der so dont know..
Had long and great chat wid anya yday.. Felt good.. was down bcoz of few reasons..
So thats how the Time goes on...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I M Gonna Miss you...
Today I left her at my relative's place.. and Dad is goin to take her back to PKD... its nothing like that I am not gonna get to use her again.. but its been four moths we were together and now suddenly from tomorrow.. i'll be goin to college to on friend's bike till i get my own bike...
Yaar I am not a rich kid.. N my ride was also not an expensive one.. but i love her yaar.. and ek aadat si ho gayi thi... Maintainance was the main problem and I cant take car everywhere for every single work.. Bike is essential in student life...
So now dont know when m I gonna get it back.. but I'll wait..
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Where M I "?"

I am really feeling lost... its not just at this instant but its been happening so many times wid me nwadays.. Its not because i dont have nething to do but because i am trying to do so many things at the same time.. not at all concentrating or focusing on one and in the end when i see the result, not a single thing is properly done..
May be my priorities are not decided or even if i know my priorities am not giving them ne importance.. I sometimes think that multiconcentration is a gift and many times its a curse..
I m a dentist, but most of the time m sitting on a computer... in that also i dont have ne extraordinary achievements.. i listen to all kind of music, literally all but not completely devoting to one..
M really feeling useless..
And I am nt even confident whether i'll be able to follow even if i decide nething..
I cant even say i need a change, coz i m not at all doin nething so from what i need a change...
this is a very a gloomy post but i cant help it..
And wen a single negative thought comes into your mind it totally drowns you into negative world.. I know these kind of things dont happen but i really need a miracle in my life..
1 thing that is sure, you really need to make sacrifices to achieve something.. And right now m doin nothing.. but at the same time expecting that things should happen in my way.. howz that possible yaar...
I m not even getting how to end this post.. I can say "Jaane de yaar" as usually and can let the things go.. I can even say " I am goin to try" but rally M I? better way is just to say...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
"Keep in touch"
To be really honest, m bad at this.. its not intentional from my side.. but ya fault is all mine.. I sometimes think may be its because of my unsocial( m nt sure abt dis word) attitude..
It happend wid me 3 days back when a good frnd of mine ( i dnt frm his side tht he still consideres da same or not) scrapped after such a long time saying that " olakhlas ka mala? (did u recognize me?)" Oviously i had nt forgttn him n it was also not like that i was netless(dis is a new word frm me) but as i said all fault is mine. den he gave me his number saying " i knw u wudnt contact though" .. I told him sorry.. what other option i had?
It was not just in his case but there are many.. i never call up my relatives , i dont go to their places on holydays.. earlier it was ok that i had the excuse that i m not that grown up.. but someday i'll have to accept these responsibilities may be just as a formality.. but that little formality makes other happy and it does not require any great effort... it just takes lil time to call some1 and talk and lil more to meet them...
and its not at all like that i really dont have time for all dis...
whatever it may be.. but i m really sorry for all dis..
I fear that wht if it happens wid me that because of my dis attitude someday they will not at all expect me contacting them .. and will totally forget me..
It has already started hapening,
There is a good frnd of mine at my place.. she has stopd callin me n messagin me bcoz i nevr replied ne of her msgs.. i dont knw what will she say when i'll contact her.. nw i want to but m lil scared..
I dont know whether i'll change or not but i'll surely try..
So yaar please Keep in touch...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
"Main Bahot Khush Hu Today"
I know no one except my friends, read this blog but still i cant mention it here..
Something happened.. about which i had almost lost my hopes.. something for which i was really waiting.. n today it happened..
For many it may be a small thing but ya for me its something big..
So lets hope jo hua hai, will continue acchese in future..( coz not used to such things happenin wid me)...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
"Bommarillu - Love Makes Life Beautiful"

For this movie i or infact we i.e. Me n Manya were waiting for so many days.. had heard so much abt it from arpit.. but didnt get the chance... but day b4 yday wen anya also said tht its a good movie den to final hi ho gaya tht i m goin to watch dis movie.. We fixed the plan and yday night, watched dis movie..
Really a good movie, Jo kucch suna tha wo sahi tha, subtitles wer der but nahi bhi rehte to i wud hav not matterd alot..
Siddhartha, Jaiprakash, Jayasudha are really good.. baki bhi acchhe the and Genelia to apni fevarite hi hai.. apart from acting Music by Devi Sri Prasad is also superb.. Appuddo Ippuddo is my fav. song in dis movie..
Movies like Arya, Bommarillu seriously show that language is never a barrier to express your emotions..
After watching movie main bahot khush tha.. Jo hamesha acchhi movie dekhne baad hota hai with me.. Wont write the whole plot but the main thing is like Its true that they have shown a dominating father but at the same time Hero bhi sun leta thts why all da problems wer der.. and beside dis father son relationship i liked hero's lovestory.. Anya i m also feelin the same..
Neways its really a good movie...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
So guys am back.. this also could hav been my title but its alresdy used and 'Reincarnated' is really what i felt wen my net connection started.
It was like 12 long days i was widout broadband connection on my desktop... ya but still i was trying to be in touch wid others using world's most frustrating service i.e. Airtel gprs ( company says tht its EDGE, i dnt knw wher's tht edge is lost)..
I was telling Upkar and Manya tht Google ke logo ka pic deewar pe lagake uski pooja ki ja sakti hai.. coz its like whtever u want u'll get it.. n neways Knowledge is God yaar.. for nething Google is ther..
I also got my Laptop back.. so thoda luck acchha chal raha hai, i can say( sala nazar na lag jaye)..
In all its good..
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
" Dil Chahta Hai"

A Fuckin Awesome movie…
Downloaded it.. wid all da lights off and headphones on I watched the movie widout a single forward,
Thts a big thing for me , watching movie widout forward( Manya knows better) Last one was August Rush..
After so so many days Koi acchhi Hindi movie dekhne mili..
I m da kind of guy who gets excited or involved or get senti wenevr I watch Music related movies and Fship movies( U rarely get dis kind of films in Hindi) and here wid dis both the things were der..
Farhaan has done a good job.. Even Arjun, Poorab(I likd his part) an Luke.. A balanced direction by Abhishek Kapoor.. and a very good story by him only..
4/5 from my side..
Because of Farhan Akhtar, initially I too was comparing( though unintentionally) dis movie wid DCH.. but DCH is a miracle.. dis is also a good movie..
So guys while watching da first part my thoughts started flowing as usually.. I was sort of imaginig that Kya hota agar apna bhi ek band hota.. or a better imagination is Wht if its like after settling down we are formin a band.. Just for our sake .. just for our Love for Music.. but at evry imagination’s end der is one big BUT.. n it alwz remains as a dream…
So whatever it may be der one famous saying that “Man can do whtever he can imagine”..
At da end only 1 thing remained.movie name. “Rock On”
Sunday, August 31, 2008
M Back...
its nothing like that i was too busy but nahi hua..
So m back .. back from my native's place(PKD aka Pandharkawda)
Bachpan me(ya u might think i was lil retarded) wenever i used see pkd(which is for Packed) on nething i used to think that my place's name is ther on everything.. i used to feel good..
But whenevr I say I m basically frm PKD.. it sounds cool smthing like " I m frm LA n I m frm NY".
So i went der yday n came bak 2day.. a very short trip.. but Ghar pe rehke acchha lagta hai..
Its a real nice place.. earilier wen i was in 11th-12th and in first yr of my graduation wenevr sm1 used to ask wher r u frm? i used to tell them tht i m frm Nagpur .. i was lil shy to tell my place's name.. coz i was afraid that they might think tht i m a village boy.. but nw i m nt..
There are some amazing things abt dis place...
The name of da river tht flows frm here is "Khooni Nadi". Exact history of dis name i dnt knw but they say tht every year it kills somebody thts why da name.. logically dis happens wid every river but still..
As my dad says tht if u can drive in PKD u can drive newhere n i too hav experienced dis.. Traffic sense at my place is smthing more beyond than nonsense.. I used to think tht My car shd had two hands to push the public (who widout any concern are standin in da middle of da road n discussing) to side to clear da road.. N horns are jst for formality..
U get da freedom to park ur vehicle newhere, literaly newhere.. u can stop netime while driving.. its such a freedom u get here..
Now at my place R.T.O. stands for 'RikamTekde Officers' ... means these people they know da real art of living... its their developed skill tht they pass n amount of time literally doin nothin.. I myself hav heard dem discussin abt Bush n Clinton n world economy... Such intelluctual public is at my place.. I smtimes think tht Bush might be taking their advice secretly n Laden also..
So so many things are der which make dis place so Unique..
but whtevr it may be its developing real fast. after completion of my post graduation i m goin to go der as a consulting endodontist twice in a week..
Whtevr they do but they are really enjoyin der Life n which is dificult to find in cities..
Jai Pandharkawda...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Reply to Anya
"Anya we have already discussed alot about dis so no need to mention nething abt that.. U r right Anya about mentioning Caste no bar.. But dis is not only in India but everywhere in da world.. In many parts discriminations are according to Caste and religion but in remaining parts they torture people even belonging to their religion and caste on da basis of Color of thier skin.. N its seriously not due to Illiteracy.. coz many of them are highly educated.. This topic is Unending and Unfruitfull.. I sometimes think why did da evolution take place.. wht hav we achieved out of it.. more n more divisions in between us.. I can say so many things about dis but Anya evn at my place my parents are searching a girl of my caste.. I dnt knw how much brave m i?
Anya my field i.e. Medicine is such a field that here u hav to think about Ur patients' health and welfare, not abt his caste, religion and also da financial status.. I am not supposed to support any perticular group..
I dont knw how many doctors follow dis but ya i do while working in clinics and goin to follow evn in private practice..
Anya ther's no place for Love here.. U cant decide n love anyone that Ya she belongs to my religion , to my caste and also to my subcaste( ye bhi ek rehta hai) and only because she fulfils all dis criterias i'll love her..
But when u try to explain dis to your parents they give their example that theirs' was arranged marriage and see how succeful it is.. When they say that Jodiyan Bhagwan ne hi banayi rehti hai.. then why are they arranging here..
Jaane de be too much thinking is a curse and i m blessed wid it.. "
Sunday, August 10, 2008
"My Timepass"
It requires a great deal of patience and tolerence to do something like dis..
But ya i did it...
I Watched Rambo 4 , Wall E and Vantage Point..
Ratings from my side for these movies:-
Rambo 4 (6/10)
Wall E (8.5/10)
Vantage Point (7.5/10)
Rambo 4 :- First of all dis movie was like something that they jst wanted to make the next part of Rambo series nd they made dis movie.. The Condition that they have shown in Burma is real..
But yaar Sylvester uncle ne sala bahot late action chalu kiya aur uske baad sirf yaha waha haath pair n blood udte hue dikhaya hai.. Action is Good.. but Uncle bahot hi budhe ho gaye hai..
Thik hai but only 6/10..
Wall E:- Had heard so much about dis movie.. Even its Imdb rating is also very good even being an animated movie.. The advantage of animation is you can show various emotions through any medium and Holly people are masters in it.. not like our Indian Mythological Cartoon films..
Wall E is a great movie to watch.. Animation, environment creation, music everything is great..
In my regret of not able to watch some movies in theatre, i have added one more movie..
Vantage Point:- M really bad at remebering Hollywood actors and actresses.. I can tell in which movie they were but please dnt ask me da names.. Story line is good and a typical way of Hollywood movie making.. 8 Strangers. 8 Points of View. 1 Truth. is the tagline of movie..
its a good movie, one time watchable but not a great attempt..
So dis is how i passed my time yday... it was at 8.30 i finished watching my third movie.. and my head had already started throbbing.. so took analgesic..had my dinner.. and deciding that i'll get up at 1am for studies i went to sleep and very comfortably got up at 7.45am in da morning.. (In between Manya disturbed me twice or may be thrice).. but as it is sunday today so no probs...
Bye tc.. Enjoy
Monday, August 4, 2008
Wht Am I Doin "?"
i turned on my PC ( which is also as usual.. seriously it has become an involuntary act..)
n as if the electricity board was waiting for me to turn on my PC, it went off...
So no Pc means so many options of doin so many things were closed...
Then i thought i will sleep for some time, n as lied on my bed, my dear Mosquitos suddenly gathered round me n started their bloody rituals... because of all dis i have started thinking that i will give them 250ml of my blood on daily basis instead of they comin to me n biting.. no trouble for them and not for me also...
Lets continue wid the main topic.. then somehow wid the help of repellent coil i was able to sleep at 5.15(in between ka time i utilized for searching the coil and matchbox and matchsticks, later was more challenging).. sala be4 sleeping i had decide that i will get up at 6 and as planned i got up at 7.. thts not smthing new.. plus minus 1 hr.. but its never minus..
then after getting up i realizied that i didnt have my lunch sufficiently.. so i went out to have snacks..(Dabeli, Patis) i came back and wid me electricity also...
i was very much haapy that i now i'll study and i will find some interesting topics on net..
As i opened my browser., i thought first i'll check my Gmail account.. i chekd it and wid it so many other accounts.. n then i checked my torrent status. . n wid it also the things that i had downloaded.. i did so many things that even i dont remember.. even though i did it 2-3 hrs back..
N now ultimately what m i doin....? I m writing Blog instead of studying.. may be i m one those few who have realised that there is Dying hidden in stuDying..
Sala i hear and i see around myself many seniors of mine in my college and also in other colleges, especially in Government Dental Colleges... they tudy so much yaar and they work so much that they even dont get da time for eating.. n here me.. i eating four times in a day... dont have any schedule..
sala if i continue like dis i surely going to suffer very badly.. but Ya i wont let dis happen( most probabaly)...
Lets see... kya hota hai..?
Will Rahool be able to study? Will he be able to work hard wid discipline? Watch our next episode... Wht M I Doin "?" on Beautiful Mind...
Yahi milenege.. isi blog pe ... Bye tc Enjoy..
Sunday, August 3, 2008
this is to inform you that i have added new poll on my blog..
which is at the bottom of my page.. so dont forget check it..
Actually I knw Anya has written enough about dis Mahabharata..
but i was not able to control myself..
In that mine is the third answer...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Misssssin LOVE "?"
love is such a devine feeling that it is nt at all expessible in words
smthing tht u can only experience or can only feel...
N ya i m missing that
Dnt i desever to be loved? i smtimes think that i should be thankful to her, my love(that i lost or in better words it didnt work out..) that she gave me the chance to experience what true love is?
you get that feeling of responsibility when u r in love.. feeling that u hav sm1 to care for.. u hav sm1 for whom u r ready to do anything.. i really did anything.. i sacrificed my love for my love.. what more do you expect from me..
but ya i feel that i need sm1 to love now.. and why m i nt getting it..
the right person in my life..
ya i knw it has many disadvantages, many pains but in the end if u r getting ur love then everything is worth it..
Friendship is smthing different ... u cant compare it with love .. or it cant replace love..
i knw that even if i dnt get the right love in my life, i have the option or the only way to go for the arranged marriage, the option that is always open.. but its nt really i want..
i m missin those moments of frustrations, depressions. the moment of ur love's first confession, those fights, those intimate moments.. after which u feel that ya this what the love is..
its nothing like that i m frustrated n writing this but ya tonight m really feeling that sm1 shd be there for me..My love..
i have seen girls roaming around the boys who hardly care for love n are doin everything for just timepass.. they may have their own phylosophies..
and in this matter koi kucch bhi kah le jise jo karna hota hai wo wahi karta hai..
thres one Famous ghazal by Mehendi Hasan.. it says very beautifully,
" Ranjish(anguish) hi sahi dil hi dukhane ke liye aa, aa phir se mujhe chhod ke jaane ke liye aa.
Kis kis ko batayenge judai ka sabab, tu mujh se khafa hai to zamane ke liye aa
Mana ka mohabbat ka chhupana hai mohabbat, tu bhi to kabhi kujhko jatane ke liye aa
Jaise tujhe aate hai na aane ke bahane, aise hi kisi roz na jane ke liye aa.
so in the end m missin Love and still waiting for it... waiting till my parents find a good girl for me, then i'll go for that option..
bye tc..
(P.S. m nt drunk)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Not To Think... Is it da only option?
Smtimes I think What is INDIA? We have 18 languages on our currency note, and much much more than that are locally spoken, bahot saare iske to naam bhi nahi sune...
Though there are mainly 5 religions here Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian and Buddhist.. and some other minorities.. but what about castes and subcastes in each religion( especially Hindu).
Sala kisiko surname batao ya puchho pehle Uski caste kya hai iske bare main log sochte hai yaha..
Last time, remeber the controversy with Shilpa Shetty in Big brother racism case.. Sala parliament me bhi Halla hua tha.. par saale sab tab yeh bhul gaye the sabse jyada to racism yaha hi hota hai..
Sala yaha India main Dikhawa hi jyada hota hai.. But one cant help it..
I believe that "Maarnewala and Marnewala ka koi Dharm nahi hota" Marne ke baad kya pharak padta hai ke kaun kis caste ya kaunse religion ka hai..
U knw it all starts frm Me n Myself.. I m Writing all dis and at the same time my Mom n Dad are searching a Girl for me which should be of my caste(Religion to durki baat hai)...
There is no place for LOVE in dis world..
Jaane do yaaron.. Thinkin about dis topic is of no use... Kal agar yaha Riots hote hai toh main bhi Talwar leke Baithunga not for my Religion but just to save my Life and my Loved ones., just for that purpose.. why they roam around in flocks during riots with the weapons in their hands because they are all scared coz if they dont sm1 will kill them.. they are all cowards like me but they try to hide that under the name of Religiousness..
Smtimes i think whts the Future?.. Sala bhag jau yaha se kahi to bhi aise ek island pe jaha sala yeh koi jhanjhat hi na ho.. but thts also a type of cowardliness..
Thts it for today.. Bye tc .. dont want to think more about this...
Monday, July 14, 2008
LOVE is a Beautiful thing "?"
Love is really a beautiful thing... U dnt express urself n just expect tht he/she will realise
it smday.. that happens very rarely my frnd, Just tell him/her , may it be a V day or any other day... And thers one more ... this was for sm1...
Hi कशी आहेस ? Really i also not used to belive in love at first sight, but after seeing you i lost
all my believes,,.. There are many definitions of love n i m really bad at definitions... but today i m feeling something that i m not able to define n may be this wht Love is.. seriously even i am feeling that all these things are so bookish but trust me they are not...
and when a boy like me i writing all this then either i m mad or m in love .. or m mad in ur LOVE.. Love u.. ( sala padhne ke baad mujhe bhi accha laga but bhej nahi saka )
So thts why "?"
BYE TC... Rahool
Why M I Writing This???????
So one fine night i sat infront of my pc deciding that YES I M ALSO GOING TO WRITE SOMETHING.. Something bole to kucch bhi, seriously m gona write anything...
So plz beware..
To strt with m gonna write the massages that were in my mobile n most probably
i didnt send them to their decided sender for either i was too lazy or too busy or didnt hav the courage or etc etc .... So ...